Balanced Life

Hidden Gem

We are all diamonds in the rough…



Personally, I don’t  like the idea that I “have to work”, but I’ve come to understand that working is a huge gift. Over the years, having to “show up” every day for work somehow makes us show up for ourselves and in doing so the honing process begins. I have come to realize that it is my work that has allowed me to self-actualize. Of course, many aspects of life, love and family help us grow but our work, especially if it is our our dharma or our passion, is a creative process of polishing to brilliance our intrinsic gifts. Granted, the awareness of self comes in small shifts or in scattered leaps and and bounds, but nonetheless it comes.

My love is movement and my gift is teaching. Teaching dance and body intelligence is a beautiful marriage of the two.  Facilitating others to find their unique capacity and expression is an avenue for this gift. I’m grateful that teaching is second nature and in retrospect I see how this has shaped and molded my personality and passions in life. I see how I can use this gift to accomplish and realize my life goals.


Photo by Lorenzo Lomonica


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